Pricing & Promotion

  • Advise offers real-time future scenario simulation for both price change and promotion strategy development.
  • Full analysis of historical price and promotion strategies identifies what worked and inform the recommendations for future winning strategies.
  • Game-changing real-time price and promotion analysis, simulation and recommendation.

Sales & Marketing

Gain a deep understanding of the effects of price changes and visualise historical promotional strategies and their success.

Simulate the impact of price changes under a range of different configurations and conditions. Make future price change decisions with confidence.

Implement new promotions based on analysis across the category and recommendations of winning strategies.

Category & Insights Manager
15 years experience
“Real-time price change simulation is a game changer.“
Full suite of hypothesis testing tools for price change simulation.
Identify and track RRP & SKU changes and measure impact on key metrics.
Analysis of performance and winners of promotional strategies across category.
Understand historical price change outputs and product elasticity
Simulate price changes and make decisions with confidence
Understand promo calendars and winning strategies across category

Increase revenues by 3%.

Real-time price and promotion simulation and recommendation is finally here.


  • Price events & trends visualisation
  • Price change review and comparison
  • Product/brand landscape review
  • Price change simulation and testing
  • Historical promotion analysis
  • Competitive analysis
  • Promotional strategy ranking
  • Promotional strategy recommendation
Next steps